Finally Summer

I didn’t mind opening up my home page and seeing that silly picture of Kate. Nobody reads this blog so I know nobody else minded but I figured it’s time for a fresh start.

Hannah finally finished her first year of public school. Aside from the last full week when they literally DID NOTHING!, she really loved it. In spite of the huge change in every way (having to get up at 6:00 every a.m., long commute, being with lots of people every day, homework, textbooks and did I mention the long commute?), she really handled it like a champ. It was as though she had been going to school 45 miles away her whole life.

For my part, getting her to and from the bus stop was an easy transition but it was great to wake up on Monday morning and be free of it for a while. Academically, I had very little involvement. She was very independent and I would just check to see that her grades were fine. She shared projects with me and would suggest stories that she thought the other kids would like in her Literature textbook. But other than that, I was hands-off. If that makes me a horrible mother, yay me.

The night before her last day I asked her if she could remember how she felt the night before her first day and she simply said, “Ready”. I felt the same way. It may sound cold but I was not emotional when she made the change because I was excited for her. I thought the school was the perfect fit for her and it really was. She rocked it in every way. Her teachers loved her, she excelled in her classes and she got along with EVERYBODY in her class, on her bus and anyone she came in contact with from other classes. In situations when she stepped in to protect kids who were being picked on, the picker-onners backed down. I didn’t get the impression that they were afraid of Hannah (the kid’s thin as a rail) but like and respect her so much that they complied.

So overall, Hannah’s public school experience has been extremely positive. Kate would love to follow in her footsteps and the school will introduce a 7th grade program next year but she’s not quite ready. She’s intending to apply for her 8th grade year.

Way to go, Hannah! Enjoy your summer! I have a feeling the next 4 years will be a blur.

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