
Running to the confessional-he’s always making us laugh
I was wiped out by the time it was my turn to go into the confessional. Mark really wasn’t nervous (he was excited) and I knew he’d do fine but maybe because he’s the youngest and definitely less mature than Kate was at the same age, I was a tad stressed. I also wanted him to have a good experience. He did. We’re lucky to have a priest who supports my decision to prepare the kids for the sacraments at home but he’s also very smart and loves to tell the kids about obscure things that he’s learned and you never when he’s going to start firing questions at them. But he was so kind and I heard him ask Mark as he was opening the door, “See, wasn’t that easy?” It was a good, mostly grace-filled day.
Luke and Mark being silly on the way out
Congratulations Mark, God Bless! We love you!
“Oh God, who exalted Blessed Mark thy evangelist
by the grace of preaching the gospel, grant,
we beseech thee that we may ever profit by his teaching
and be defended by his prayers, through Jesust Christ,
Our Lord, Amen”

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