Tag Archives: health

Three Products That Have Made Caregiving Easier

I returned to the world of caregiving (outside of parenting pre-adults) in September, 2024. I’ve written about my previous caregiving experience extensively when my mom and I made the decision to bring her oldest sister home to Pittsburgh and share the responsibility.

In this season of “Beth takes care of an adult human in her home”, my stepmom is the star and has joined the Phillips household and family. Though, she has the resources to pay for the nicest facilities, I’m here to tell you that unless family is there every day to advocate for every basic need, they’re all shit if your loved one needs any shred of assistance, let alone max assist and full care.

In this post, I’m sharing three products that I couldn’t live without as a 24/7 caregiver (though, it took me a little while to find them). Each improved my experience or in some way relieved a stressor.

Get You Some Ears!

Not unlike many seniors, my stepmom’s hearing isn’t the best and she watches a lot of TV to pass the time. Even though she has a private space with a door, the loud TV was a problem day and night for me. I work part-time from home and the blasting TV was disruptive. My stepmom was considering hearing aids but her stroke has left her completely dependent. Doctor visits require renting a van. She is unable to place, care for, charge, clean, or in any way manage hearing aids. Since she would really only need them for TV viewing and not quality of life otherwise, I am hesitant to add that caregiving responsibility.

I started researching personal headphones for TV viewing. Because of her limited strength and mobility of her left hand, she wouldn’t have been able to manage certain models that were over-ear/on her head.

Enter, TV Ears (affiliate link)

This image shows a product called TV ears which is an assistive hearing device for TV viewing

My stepmom can control her own volume and the outer TV volume can be inaudible. If someone wants to watch a show with her, she usually opts not to use the ears just to be sociable because they are noise-cancelling for her but if she had them on, the TV could be at any volume for the person in the room.

I go to bed much earlier than her and this product has saved my sleep and my sanity. The instructions were clear for easy set-up. The ears take 4-6 hours to fully charge and last about the same amount of time. Since she watches TV about 6-7 hours in the day and about 4-6 hours at night with only 2 short shifts in her wheelchair to eat due to her limitations, we ordered a second pair so that she would always have a pair charged.

The standard dock which is hard-wired to the TV has two charging stations. At about $125 for the initial pair and less than $100 for the second pair, this was well worth the money. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

Boost Nighttime Dryness!

My stepmom is dependent on adult briefs and is unable to get to or sit safely on a bedside commode without max assistance. The brand that I linked are great but before I thought that there might be a solution for more consistent night-time incontinence protection, I would have to do a full-on clothes and bed change 2-4 times per week usually in the middle of the night. On a couple of occasions, twice in one night for almost 3 months!

I was aware that some active adults wear incontinence pads for accidents day or night and wondered whether something like that would get her through the nights without soaking herself.

Enter adult booster pads!

I am not kidding when I say we both sleep better since I’ve been using these. I was lucky to find this brand out the gate as I’m not sure that if I tried another type or brand and it failed, I would bother to order another.

I turned to Youtube for basic research about this topic and this video was especially informative and directed me to this brand. I started with the 20 pack which lasted 20 days since I only need them at night, currently.

I was sold and have since ordered 3 packs of 20 twice. Literal Life (and sleep) saver.

Treat Yourself!

I had smaller, good quality washable bed pads leftover from caring for my aunt. She regained her continence shortly after moving in with me and rarely soiled the bed but I used them to keep her sheets fresh longer.

I quickly discovered that they were not big enough or absorbent enough for our current situation.

Enter 36″ x 38″ absorbency incontinence bed pads.

These fookin’ things keep the bed clean, absorb everything and would be worth it if there were 10x more expensive.

I watched a couple of the videos on the Amazon site by experienced users/caregivers and I’m so glad I grabbed these early on. I thought I might have to order more but the original 4 pack has held up well (a little over 5 months in), wash beautifully and have held up well to lots of wear and tear.

Bottom Line

For less than $200, I improved my caregiving situation immeasurably with the TV ears and bed pads and less than $30/month (cost of the booster pads for my situation). Please don’t skimp on easy solutions.

Turn to Youtube or Amazon reviews for solutions. I promise there is a solution out there that will solve or minimize your challenges.

Best to all of you caregivers!

The Perfect Day

Have you ever taken time to imagine your perfect day?

I mean THE PERFECT DAY from the time your eyes open until the time your eyes close at the end of the day.

Not necessarily in the context of your current situation, if it could go ANY WAY YOU WANT.

If, for example, you hate your job, a perfect day wouldn’t be a great day at work but maybe no work at all or killing it at the perfect work environment.

It seems like an unproductive exercise but taking the time to write down or think about a perfect day from beginning to end might unlock something simple that you could add to your day to make it better.

The Life Changing Magic of Appreciation

Gratitude gets a lot of air time and rightfully so. There’s plenty of research and anecdotal evidence that spending a few minutes thinking about something you’re grateful for every day results in tangible benefits.

Shawn Achor lists gratitude among 5 or 6 other “happiness hacks” in the “Happiness Advantage“, (one of my favorite books, btw). Studies show that gratitude heightens well-being across several outcome measures including positive affect, emotional, interpersonal and physical. Another study showed that writing just three letters of gratitude over a three week period increased happiness and life satisfaction and decreased symptoms of depression.

Gratitude is great but includes an element of having overcome an obstacle or avoided something unpleasant.

“Appreciation”, in my mind, removes the baggage and feels a little bit lighter.

I might feel grateful that the sun is shining but it feels like I’m actually glad that didn’t rain or isn’t cloudy.

Appreciating the sunshine feels slightly different and easier to collect other things to appreciate.

Either practice primes your brain to notice more things throughout your day to feel good about which leads to more. I prefer that momentum over a negative spiral any day.


Model Health Show with Shawn Stevenson Alzheimer's

Protect Your Brain From Alzheimer’s and Other Dysfunction

I discovered "The Model Health Show" hosted by Shawn Stevenson after I heard him interviewed about his own health journey on another podcast.

Stevenson is knowledgeable and dives deep into the science of common health issues to inform people and encourage them to make health (and sleep) a priority.

Dementia is an issue that's personal to so many of us. My aunt was never formally diagnosed but I experienced the fallout and devastation of her brain dysfunction first-hand. I have no doubt that certain areas of her brain were damaged by plaque, stroke, chemo or something. 

I had never heard about a possible connection between Alzheimer's and insulin resistance. Could Type II diabetes have contributed or caused my aunt's problem?

Dr. Steven Masley makes a convincing case for it in this episode and offers suggestions to minimize, reverse or prevent the condition.

The interview alone is eye-opening and convincing but I'm anxious to read his book, The Better Brain Solution, available today (Jan 2, 2018). 

I'll let you know what I think of the book.

I have a few go-to podcasts that I love. I gravitate toward the topics of business, creativity, productivity, human behavior, brain stuff, personal development, technology, self-care and writing. If you have any suggestions for episodes or shows that fit those categories or something else interesting , I'd love to hear about them.

In Sickness & In Health


So, Mark and I are celebrating our 23rd anniversary today. Just shy of 3 weeks after his physical catastrophe.

I’m not an overly emotional or sentimental person but I clearly remember my voice cracking only once during our vows…”in sickness and in health”. In an instant, I was overwhelmed by the thought of him being sick and vulnerable.

He’s had some minor surgeries (that dual hernia operation just before our 10th anniversary wasn’t too fun) but nothing as challenging as this.

The thing is, as challenging as this is physically, emotionally and probably financially, I know it isn’t even close to the worst that can happen to a couple. Not even close.

So I’m thankful that we work well together because just about everything he does, we do together. I’m thankful that we enjoy each other’s company (as long as he doesn’t try to tell jokes). I’m thankful that we trust each other to get through this. And yes, I’m thankful that we love and trust each other and even on our worst days, there still isn’t anyone I would rather spend time with (no offense to my children, who come second in that category).

I don’t feel all that much different than that day 23 years ago. Marrying Mark felt like the rightest, most natural thing. Helping him do just about everything feels just as right and natural (though, I have to keep reminding him the kids can fetch the this or the that when they’re here).

Happy Anniversary. Oh and Happy Birthday to Luke who was our 5th anniversary gift!

How a Mammogram Made my Day…It’s not what you think.

How a mammogram made my day

Source: Abdulsalam Haykal on Flickr

I went to a mammogram appointment this week and had the sweetest experience…(NOT THE MAMMOGRAM). The fact that it was a mammogram is only important as it relates to what I noticed about a couple who came in at about the same time as I did.

An older couple parked at the same time as me and we ended up in the same office. The woman was using a walker but seemed too young to be using it. Also, she seemed pretty steady on her feet. Maybe early seventies. Her husband looked a little older. Both of them were smartly dressed. She moved so well with the walker that I was thinking maybe she was recovering from an accident.

They checked in (he did the talking) and the man directed his wife to a waiting room chair. He told her he would be waiting out in the lobby just outside the suite. She was fine with that. Before he left he quietly conferred with the receptionist and she assured him that she would “remind the technicians”. Within a minute or so, the man came back in and sat next to his wife and told her he decided he’d rather wait with her. “Thank you very much,” she said.

Next the man pulled out the magazine section of the paper and handed it to her because he thought she would enjoy it. “Thank you”, she replied to his thoughtful gesture.

In the next area where you change and wait again, (why it made sense to disclose that we were there for mammograms) the attendant showed the woman to a changing stall then quickly adjusted her strategy and said the technician would help her with the robe.

I could be wrong but my brief observation of this couple indicated that the woman suffered from some form of dementia and the husband was her caregiver, protector and advocate. He was so patient, sweet and thoughtful of her needs. The measures he took to inform the staff discreetly that she required extra assistance seemed so loving and tender as though his primary concern was preserving her dignity.

Not only was it touching, it made me think of Mark (my husband). He’s always as kind and gentle with me as the man was with his wife (though, often I don’t deserve it). Should I require care in our older years, I have no doubt that Mark will be as patient as the man was with his wife.

Thinking of that made me smile out loud.



Important Information about a Stroke

A tip for stroke survival

Image credit: Nemo on Pixabay

I have learned a lot since inviting my 78-year old aunt to live with us. Every time I learn something new, I think , I should write about this, I’m sure someone else could benefit from this information.

Although my aunt did not have a stroke, she was fighting a stomach virus that landed her in the hospital. When she was discharged, I learned something that might be life-saving or life-changing for someone who has a stroke.

Did you know that if you suspect that you or someone you know is having a stroke, you should note the time of the onset of symptoms? I never knew that and it turns out that it can make a big difference in protocol for medical intervention. Obviously, it isn’t always possible to know when a stroke is happening (for example if a person is sleeping) but if you’re able to give medical providers a time of onset of symptoms, there’s a window for certain treatment options that can make a difference in survival and recovery.

With all the PSAs and pharmaceutical commercials  publicizing the warning signs of stroke (droopiness of face, numbness or weakness in face, arms or legs, confusion, trouble speaking, trouble seeing out of one or both eyes, severe headache are just a few), I’ve never heard this critical piece of information, so I thought I’d pass it along.


Disclaimer: I am not a physicican, this  article is published for information purposes only. If you think you or someone you know may be having a stroke, dial 911.



What to Expect for a Colonoscopy


My husband had his first colonoscopy yesterday. As we drove home, he was trying to explain how easy it was compared to his anxiety and dread about the whole thing. He suggested that I write a post about it.

According to statistics, colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among men and women combined in the U.S.. Studies confirm that early screening reduces deaths from colorectal cancer. It’s worth getting checked and according to Mark, fear shouldn’t prevent you from doing so.

Aside from the kids treating him like a nuclear reactor the day before the test, the worst part about it, by far, was anticipating how terrible it would be to drink the cleansing solution and wondering how miserable you’ll feel afterward.

The day before the procedure, Mark’s diet was restricted to clear liquids. He’s a pretty thin guy, eats 3 pretty standard meals per day and snacks for energy on the tennis court (he’s a teaching pro). Not being able to eat could be slightly torturous for me but he handled it like a champ.

Mark had to drink four 8oz. cups of the prescribed liquid beginning at 5:30 pm the evening before the test (Happy Hour anyone?). The second round of four 8 oz. cups began at 9:30. The liquid is clear and comes with a lemony flavor packet. He mixed it ahead of time and refrigerated it to make it easier to drink. He got it down with a little effort but it was doable and not the worst thing he could have taken.

The enema cocktail kicked in about 30-45 minutes after the first cup and it didn’t give him cramps. Although he wanted to share the details with me, I passed that job off to my boys. Without getting too graphic, things were pretty clear after a few trips to the loo by about 7:30 or so.

Round 2 was really just to make sure he was clean and clear-which he was but still made multiple trips to the bathroom. He went to bed at about 1:00 a.m. and was able to sleep through until 6:00 when we had to get up to make it to the hospital by 7:45. Overall, the physical prep the night before wasn’t as bad as he anticipated.

The next hardest thing for Mark was not being able to eat high-fiber foods the entire week before the test. He snacks on raw vegetables to get him through his long day on the court. Sometimes he’ll have nuts or granola. He ended up taking bags of pretzels, which don’t give you much energy. He also loves salad with dinner and couldn’t eat that. This might not be much of an issue if you don’t eat a lot of fruits or vegetables normally. I don’t and probably wouldn’t miss them as much as he did.

The procedure, itself, was easy compared to his anxiety about it. He had to be there at 7:45 for pre-op and the procedure was underway by 9:05. He got an epidural which burned a little and a light anesthesia to keep him asleep during the procedure which was about 15 minutes from start to finish.

The surgeon reported that everything looked good. Based on the fact that Mark’s dad had some polyps removed and based on that history, the doc recommended a repeat in 5 years. Recovery was about an hour total and I was able to take him home. He definitely was unsteady after the anesthesia but was able to walk to the car.

Although Mark was exhausted and tried to sleep when we got home he wasn’t able to and still felt well enough to grill burgers for dinner. When I asked him how he felt at the end of the day, he claimed that his energy was great and he thought it might have something to do with the whole cleansing process. I can relate to that.

Although all of the medical personnel were kind and professional, Mark thought that they could be more reassuring about the procedure, itself. He guesses that they’re unaware of how nervous and anxious people are about it. He’s hoping that reading this reassures others to get it out of the way.

If you’re approaching or over 50 and have been avoiding this important diagnostic test, I hope Mark’s experience encourages you to get it done.