7 Quick Takes-A First and a day late-oops.


1. Boys and showers…..what is the aversion to soap and shampoo? I had one friend whose son insisted that since he swam everyday in the summer, showers were just a waste of water.

2. Want to make a million dollars? Figure out a way to keep your gutters from freezing solid and creating THESE!

3. Valentine’s Day…Anyone have a good picture book on this holiday or Saint? I had a really lame cartoon dinosaur one, it didn’t even make sense, I finally just threw it away, I couldn’t even subject the thrift store shoppers to it.

4. Mark flew to L.A. for a professional conference. By the time he gets home, he will have spent @ 26 hours traveling for about 6 hours of professional wisdom, but he says it was worth it!

5. Want to make a million dollars? Organize a professional conference for stay-at-home mothers. I’ve always thought this. You could book great parenting speakers, pediatricians to answer all your questions, experienced moms of many or few, booths with freebies of diapers and wholesome food tips and all manner of gadgets for making your job easier. I’ve always wanted to ATTEND a conference for professional moms-never wanted to organize one, though. GO FOR IT!

6. Check out this post by Sarah about training our sons to be attentive and self-sufficient young men and husbands. I’m sort of a failure at this. I feel like I require responsibility on the part of all of the kids but am an utter failure at following through. It seems once the novelty has worn off from being at the ironing board (don’t they always want to do it before they’re big enough to hold a heavy, burning appliance with one hand), at the kitchen sink for more than playing in suds, at the stove, or using a broom, it’s just easier to do it myself. I try-but darn it, I know it’s not habit, I keep having to SAY it.

7. A final sentiment because 7 is harder to come up with than I thought!

For some Quick takes that might actually inspire or entertain, head on over to Conversion Diary.

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