See it up there? Yes, that blog banner. Hannah is becoming pretty proficient with photoshop. I followed Sarah’s tutorial on how to make a blog banner using Picasa. I was getting decent at it but I realized that I was viewing it as a chore and not looking forward to doing it. I like when you go to a blog and it has a familiar banner. So, I asked Hannah to design one. I wanted it to be simple and generic enough for any season. I also wanted it to reflect my life and what’s most important to me.
As we talked, obviously our house was a no-brainer. It literally houses my treasure and the title of my blog is “Being Home”. I also really love our house. I always say, it’s not perfect but it’s perfect for us. That other silhouette is our apple tree which is practically a part of the family. It was Hannah’s idea to include silhouettes of the kids running. She got them from photos that were in iphoto. I love how the kids are white silhouettes. Just a few consultations along the way and I love the result.
Hannah posted a more detailed progression of her work if you’re interested. I’m amazed at how her creativity is apparent in any media. My brother is a computer graphics wiz and has been bugging me to let her use the computer to create for years. I’ve held off and I’m so glad I did. I think there’s important brain functioning happening when a child puts pencil to paper-no matter what the finished product is. Hannah clearly is wired to draw and I think it would have been a mistake to turn the sensory experience into clicks and taps. I know her brain is still growing but she spends a balanced amount of time painting and drawing and designing on paper-so I don’t worry.
If you’d like Hannah to design a blog banner for you, contact her. She’s good and she’ll charge a fair price. This project took about 2 hours. If you’re a dear friend, she’ll do it for free.