Facing Fear ~ Take 1

Well, today wasn’t the first time I’ve barrelled through a fear since I first decided not to allow fear to hold me back. But it involved a few fears or reservations.I attended the first of a six week series at Mark’s new club which introduces different mind/body classes that are offered. Fear #1 was overcoming a dread about commitments. I’m a real baby if I’m locking myself into something-especially on a Saturday. I’ve always disliked recreational commitments for myself. Even when I was in a tennis league, before children, I did not like the weekly obligation.The second fear was actually committing to trying something new. The six samples are pilates, yoga, personal training, spinning (SCARY!), zumba (SCARIER but it looks like fun) and BOOT CAMP (AAAAHHHHHKKKKK!) So that’s a whole bunch of fears. I’m afraid of hurting myself in about 5 of those 6 because I’m so weak and inflexible. But I’ve committed. I hope this will kick start me into taking time for fitness. It would be a shame to waste the value of our family membership at that beautiful facility. 

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