
I’ve written before about Immaculee’ Ilibagiza, the woman who survived the Rwandan holocaust in a 4 X 4 bathroom with 7 other women for almost 4 months while nearly everyone in her immediate family was murdered. It’s an incredible story and if you haven’t read “Left to Tell“, you should. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Just kidding.

I’ve read all of her books and am looking forward to reading her latest, The Rosary The Prayer That Saved My Life. For whatever reason I haven’t picked it up yet but I’m so thrilled to be able to buy it tonight and get it signed by Immaculee’. She’s speaking at a local church and I was lucky (blessed) enough to reserve 2 tickets. I’ve seen her speak before but Mark hasn’t and cancelled a few lessons to go along with me.

If you ever get a chance to hear her speak in person, you should go. Whether your Catholic or not, her story is incredible and her faith is inspiring.



Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase on Amazon through the links, I’ll make a small commission at no additional cost to you. I appreciate it.


Hannah birthday photo

She’s 16 and She Truly is Sweet!

Hannah birthday photo

Happy Birthday Sweet 16 Year Old!

(I really did write this on Hannah’s birthday (September 11) but got distracted by the day, which is ok because it was all about Hannah. She competed in the sectional tournament for tennis. The tournament started on her birthday and ended the next day and she is SECTION CHAMP! So proud of her and how she carries herself and how nice she is to all of her opponents and coaches. The coach’s wife told me that a player from another school told her how nice Hannah is and how the other girls across the section appreciate how nice she is). I would consider that a shameless brag except it’s truly how Hannah was born…….16 years ago! AACK!

Happy Birthday to Hannah! This birthday is especially sweet since Hannah’s back home with us after spending 2 years at a performing arts high school. She counted the hours that she spent on a bus over those two years and it equals about 1 1/2 months of her life. I say it’s more like 3 months since I only counted waking hours. Either way, it was a lot of time and we both appreciate how much more of it she has now.

This kid continues to blow me away with her confidence, her resourcefulness, her sweetness and her maturity. She’s still fun and joyful as ever.

I think I’ve bragged about her plenty in this space. If you don’t remember, you can read about her here, here, here and here.

They say a picture paints a thousand words, if that’s true, this girl has painted billions. Photography has turned into her primary passion thanks to my mom who gave her her first camera as a birthday gift. I was too practical to get one for her since I already had a point-and-shoot. Shame on me. I’ll leave you with some of her recent projects and photos.

Luke forehand

Mount Lebanon B16 Champ


Rafa Cincy Tennis

Western & Southern Open Champ


Bishop Canevin Boys Soccer

Aiden C header


dancers at Lincoln Park

Photo shoot with dancers at Lincoln Park


Kayla portrait

Kayla’s one of Hannah’s best shoots-always.

Happy Birthday Hannah!


Update on My Social Experiment

Wow, I really am surprised. Within a day, the souvenir cup from the Cincinnati tennis tournament disappeared from the toilet tank. Today I noticed that the glass was gone.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Honestly, I don’t even know how to spell hallelujah and I refuse to look it up because you know what I mean.

I’m so shocked. I cannot believe someone carried those things out of my bathroom without me having to hunt them down. I am feeling a big lump in my throat. I think I might cry!

I promised I would tell you if my social experiment failed. But really, as all true scientists know…bias has no place. Data tells the story. Obviously I’ll have to revise my thesis.

Mum, if you told the kids about this, well, shame on you!

Is it me or is this just gross?

Cups on the potty

You never know when you might get thirsty


There’s something about cups in the bathroom that just rubs me the wrong way. We don’t have a counter top so a rinse cup was never an option for us. Have you ever looked at one of those closely?

It’s a bathroom germ party, that’s all you need to know. Glassware in the bathroom just makes me think of broken shards of it all over the tile floor.

We don’t keep a cup in the bathroom, let alone on the toilet. I can’t say I was surprised when I noticed the small glass on the toilet the other day. Random things are all over this house on a regular basis. When the tall souvenir cup made its appearance next to it on the toilet tank, I was like what the…..?

I have my suspicions about who’s responsible for the second cup but I’m not throwing anyone under the bus. I decided I’m not saying anything about them. Both cups have been there since September 1. Remember how I wrote about how Sept 1 is a nice date for starting something, like launching an ebook? I’m conducting a private experiment. I really want to see how long those 2 cups are on the back of the toilet if I don’t move them.

I’m confident they’ll be there through Christmas. I guarantee you that if certain people are assigned to clean the bathroom, they won’t take them to the kitchen where they belong. (I think 2 of the kids would think to do that).

Let’s have a contest! Find some random, obviously out-of-place thing in your house and see how long it’s there. Leave me a comment. I promise to let you know if someone moves it. I wanna keep it real, here.

Homeschooling in PA

I’m Published….and Ranked #1!

Homeschooling in PA

ebook cover Homeschooling in Pennsylvania

Really, I’m not kidding! I’m finally published and I really am ranked #1.One thing that I read repeatedly when preparing my ebook was to choose a category for the book which is appropriate but that also will allow it to rank highly in its category.

For some titles, this requires some detailed research, but for mine, I didn’t feel that I had many options. Amazon allows you to choose 2 categories. I chose “Homeschooling” and “Education Law and Legislation”.

I’m offering the book as a free download over Labor Day weekend. I think maybe 40 people have downloaded it so far but, as you can imagine, the competition isn’t too stiff in the “Education Law and Legislation” category. As a result….I’M A BESTSELLER!

Homeschooling in Pennsylvania #1 on charts

#1 Ranked eBook!

I’ll take it! Now I have to investigate why only 1 category is showing….sigh.

Have a great weekend!

There Couldn’t Be A Better Time to Write a Book

I have discussed my intention to write more often just to practice and because I enjoy it. This intention led to lots of research about blogging in general, promoting a blog and everything that goes along with it.

I have been neglecting this blog for a few reasons. First, I’ve been on the road a lot this summer which is very different for me. I delivered Hannah to my aunt then took 2 more trips there. We took Luke to 2 tournaments which each were about a week long and Mark enjoyed a short weekend trip with his baseball team. It’s nice to be home again.

What does any of this have to do with writing a book, you ask? Well, the other reason I’ve been ignoring this blog is that I’ve been writing an ebook. All that research about writing and blogging convinced me that now is a great time to write an ebook!

Amazon reports that sales of digital books have surpassed hard copies. There is no charge for converting and uploading a digital manuscript onto most platforms if you do it yourself. Finally, there are no middle men. No editors (except ones you choose yourself), agents, publishing executives. Finally, it’s a great time to jump into self-publishing as a new author because the well-known authors are still charging a lot for their books (rightfully so).

One of the best blogs about blogging is “Blogging With Amy”. Not only does Amy Lynn Andrews have great tutorials all about blogging, she has another series all about how to write an ebook. Again, she provides step-by-step guidance in publishing an ebook from choosing a topic to formatting and uploading it to your preferred platform. I wrote a review about her ebook “Tell Your Time” in a previous post.

Still, after reading her series, I was dreaming about writing fiction. I love to read fiction and wish I could write it but it is a craft which takes time to master. I was browsing the Kindle book store and came across a title that completely changed my perspective. “How to Write an Ebook in 21 Days that People Love” by Steve Scott normally wouldn’t have caught my eye. I never think of quality writing as a fast project but for some reason I started reading the reviews. They were great. I was intrigued by the idea that you could produce something so quickly. The book was clearly written and presented a formula for writing a non-fiction ebook.

Truly, I had never considered writing a non-fiction ebook, even though I read and enjoyed them all the time. I love the price of short ebooks. I love the length. I love the idea of tackling a single problem in one tidy publication.

When I started thinking about my background, non-fiction writing made sense. I’m a lawyer and was comfortable digesting and regurgitating facts, cases and laws into arguments and briefs in a relatively short period of time. I learned to produce what seemed like volumes and volumes of text in a few short weeks. Sometimes I had to learn complex facts on the fly and I learned to adapt my style and form for each of my employers.

At first, I was thinking about Mark’s expertise in teaching tennis but when I started thinking about what I know my way around, Pennsylvania homeschool law was the obvious answer. For the past 10 years, I’ve had to read and reread it. I’ve had to interpret it and I’ve had to comply with it.

Most homeschoolers in a state with strict demands get pretty familiar with the law but there’s a lot of variation in how school districts, homeschoolers and homeschool associations interpret the statute. Why not add my $.02? So, I did.

Writing an ebook about PA homeschool law was so obvious. So I tried it.

I was lucky that the text of the law provides the natural framework for the ebook. It kind of organized itself. Also, the calendar helped to organize it. The progression of things to do is already spelled out.

To be honest, all the information is already out there and readily available on the internet. I’ve relied on the same sites for years but remember being so confused when I was just starting out. My research about digital publishing showed that people appreciate that someone takes the time to save them the hassle of having to click around to find answers.

I’m hoping to launch the book by September 1. This date is significant for me because I started two of my legal jobs on this date. September 1 is a great day for new work!

My primary responsibility is still managing the kids’ education and keeping my family organized and running smoothly. I’m so thankful that I still get to do that. Since all the kids are enrolled in cyber school this year, though, I’m anticipating large blocks of time during their classes when I’ll be able to write.

I’ll be keeping you posted because I’m convinced that everyone has an expertise that they can write about in ebook form. For example, I have a friend who teaches all of her dogs to poop in the same spot in the yard behind a fence. My research shows that none of the dog whisperers are writing about that. I’m hoping to convince her to give me an outline that I can write for her. Her method works and it’s a genius concept.

I wanted to keep the book low budget since the audience is pretty limited. There are only so many people looking into homeschooling in Pennsylvania. As a result, I have tried to do everything on my own, including starting a supporting website, formatting, and marketing the book. I’ll let you know how that works out and what I learned along the way.

If you homeschool in Pennsylvania, my ebook might help you. Check it out!

Homeschooling in PA

The cover of my ebook. Designed by Hannah!


Cincy Tennis Family

15 Years and 20 Years! Wow and Wow!

Luke Mountains

This is the best recent photo I have…really. 15 year old boys do not cooperate for photos


Happy Birthday to Luke! It’s true, 15 years really does go fast! He was born on our 5th wedding anniversary, yes….today we’ve been married for 20 YEARS! What, what?

Because of that fact, I always projected his age with our corresponding anniversary date…he’ll be 5 on our 10th anniversary, 10 on our 15th…15 on our 20th…and I’ve always tried to picture him at those ages. I think he’s pretty much how I imagined…fun, smart, athletic, polite, industrious, responsible and a loyal friend. I have to admit, I did not anticipate the intense goofiness but I’m used to it by now and am thinking he’ll always have it.

Cincy Tennis Family

After a fun day of watching matches and Federer practice!


Ever since we’ve been married, Mark and I have wanted to go to the pro tournament in Cincinnati. I have family there and went one time as a kid. Everyone always said what a great venue it is to watch tennis up close. Since we weren’t planning anything else, I decided this was the year. We had a quick trip. My cousin scored excellent seats for the first day of matches and we all had a great time. Our seats gave us access to “The Racquet Club”, pardon us. Little Mark was determined to lounge there. It was cooler and quiet and relaxing. They had free water up there (I found that out AFTER I spent $11.50 on 3 bottles of water-GRR).I was so satisfied when he finally got his chance, he was eyeing up these leather couches all day but they were always occupied.

Lounging at the Racquet Club

Mark “lounging”

It’s wild how fast 20 years has flown by. I realized that it’s the longest I’ve done anything.

I won’t get too syrupy here. Not my style but I do feel pure gratitude to have Mark.


Khaled Hosseini-And the Mountains Echoed

Reading and Writing: What I’ve Been Up To


Khaled Hosseini-And the Mountains Echoed


If you’re here from Elizabeth Foss‘ blog, WELCOME!

Sorry I’ve been absent this summer. When I launched this new blog, I had big plans for updating it regularly and telling you about the new kitchen in my mom’s apartment among other things. Then…the summer of going all over the place hit but it’s been great. I definitely want to write about that as a wrap up. Not that anyone but me cares, I just want to remember everything we did.

I read a lot of ebooks and blogs about blogging and writing ebooks. (If you’re interested in any of the titles, let me know).I could read about both topics endlessly but I decided to write an ebook! I’m in the process of having people proof read it, then I’ll convert it to a format that’s compatible with Kindle and it will be available as a download. I’m hoping to launch that in a couple of weeks. I also built a new website related to the topic (PA Homeschool Law) which I made public TODAY! (I’m nervous and excited)

Let me say this (and I promise to write a more in-depth post about it later), all my research convinced me that EVERYONE is an authority on some topic(s) which can translate into an ebook or ebooklet. What I’ve read about digital publishing is definitely consistent with my behaviors as a consumer.  For example, I love to read and tend to purchase inexpensive (or free) titles that focus on a limited topic. So, I really  will write about my experience jumping into it, including what I learned.

I did manage to read some fiction this summer. Just one book, though….the new Khaled Hosseini novel, “And the Mountains Echoed” and it didn’t disappoint. I love his writing. He’s a great storyteller and is what I call an efficient writer. By that, I mean he can portray a landscape, a character, a culture and a voice without a lot of unnecessary words. He does a great job of introducing the culture of a different country, its history, its triumphs and troubles. I’m painfully ignorant about most other countries, especially middle eastern ones. So, I have liked that aspect about all three of his books. Remember, Hosseini wrote ‘The Kite Runner” and “A Thousand Splendid Suns“.

Possible Spoiler Alert, But Maybe Not

If you’re like me, you don’t like to hear any details about a novel before you read it. I won’t give anything away but I have one major criticism about this book. It jumped around so much that I ended up not really caring about ANY of the characters. He tells each segment beautifully and I figured out the connections but I ultimately didn’t connect with any of the characters.

You know how sometimes you’ll care so much about a fictional character that you find yourself thinking about him or her as you go about your day? That wasn’t the case here and it was disappointing. In spite of that, it was a page-turner because the story was well-crafted. I’m still glad I read it.

Let me know if you read the book and what you thought.

Since Elizabeth posts about books on Thursdays, I’m commenting over there.
needle and thREAD

Head over to Elizabeth’s blog and check out what she and others are sewing and reading. You might be inspired!



Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will get a small commission at no extra cost to you. I appreciate it.




Electric Twist video

What Creative Kids Do….

….when you get out of their way!

Allow me to brag for a minute (or 4)

Electric Twist video

The Director

Hannah shot and edited a movie for a library contest. My niece entered the contest last year with a friend and on the spur of the moment asked if my girls would do it with her instead. I think all the kids did a great job but I realize I’m biased.

I truly had no input whatsoever. I couldn’t help them do ANYTHING since I was preparing for a week away with Luke for a tennis tournament. They did it all on their own.

Enjoy and Have a Great Weekend!

Back Home

I retrieved Hannah from her extended retreat with my aunt. Re-entry will be challenging for her but I’m sooooo happy to have everyone under the same roof again.

watercolors and sketchpad

How Hannah has been spending her time

I know the time she spent was constructive and renewing and an experience she’ll cherish forever. My aunt is becoming more limited in her mobility and her short-term memory. Her overall health seems good but her limitations may affect her ability to live independently for very much longer.

July will continue to be a relatively heavy travel and busy baseball month for us so I’ll be writing short snippets here as time allows. I’m also working on another project which I hope to finish and share soon.