14 Years Ago Today

Hannah on her first day of public school

No words and many words. Does that make sense? No words are adequate to describe how much this girl amazes me. But every great word might do it.

I’m sure everyone wants to know how school is going. I don’t want to speak for Hannah (or lump any expectations on her in case she’s secretly miserable and is just waiting to drop the bomb) but it seems to be a perfect fit for her. The transition from homeschool to traveling for an hour on a bus has been as seamless as it could be. I miss her, of course, but am so happy that she likes it. So far, she likes her teachers, tolerates the long bus ride and is meeting lots of kids both in her class and in the other grades. The school seems to have a uniquely positive atmosphere which suits Hannah’s positive outlook on life. (She was born that way-I take no credit). She’s lucky that the 12 or so kids in her arts major are a really good group and get along well. So far, there doesn’t seem to be any of the cattiness and extreme insecurity that seems to plague junior high these days-yay! I think the teachers have high standards for responsibility, behavior and performance which Hannah thrives on. She’s adjusting fine to textbooks and homework, which doesn’t surprise me.

Happy Birthday, Hannah. So glad your birthday fell on a Sunday this year.

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