Recovering from Busyness

The past 2 weeks were exhausting. Luke finished up regular season baseball, he and Mark started basketball, there was a major holiday, Hannah worked as a ball person in a pro circuit tournament, Luke played in a tennis tournament and I agreed to host a luncheon. In short, it was a lot of running….and of course, it was HOT!

Up to that point, our summer was low-key and low stress. I found myself newly liberated from being our family’s cruise director-you know, managing everyone’s entertainment. That used to be necessary. Maintaining some routine and predictability helped us not drive each other crazy. This summer has been transitional in that the kids aren’t underfoot and spend long blocks of time playing outside in the neighborhood and with friends. One friend, in particular, shows up at about 11:00 everyday and doesn’t leave until dinner time. That’s fine, he’s sweet.

Anyway I know that I’m not my best when I’m running around like a crazy person. I know there are moms who prepare and organize for those busy days and I do to some extent but no matter what, the constant activity affects the family and the household in the most negative ways.

1. We have fewer healthy meals and snacks and more hot dogs or candy stand treats and sports drinks. That’s bad.

2. Everyone sleeps less. Later nights and sometimes earlier mornings makes everyone cranky. That’s not good.

3. Bad habits are harder to deal with. Since we’re on the go so much, it’s harder to stick to consequences. I know one thing, I need to get a handle on some back-chat (that’s “Supernanny’s” word for talking back), whining and re-establish some basic habits around here. Time with friends has suddenly become great leverage.

4. When the kids are exhausted and it’s too hot outside, screens creep back in to every corner of the house and that’s never a good thing. I’m way too wiped out to come up with a constructive alternative. I’m grateful for books on tape. They’ve been a good alternative to screens when the kids are tired but not the end of the screens, especially when I’m too busy to get to the decent libraries with a larger selection of good audio books.

5. Mark and I have NO time with each other. That’s never good for a family.

The good news is, things are getting back to normal. I don’t forsee anything coming up that will call for weeks of running. I’ll make a conscious effort to keep things simple and NOT agree to extra. It’s just necessary.


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